Rural Indiana Paranormal ( R.I.P.) is dedicated to the scientific, objective investigation into claims of
alleged paranormal phenomena. Since 2006.
We employ rigorous investigative protocols, and submit our case reports to fellow researchers for
peer review.
We are an all-volunteer organization comprised of members with varied backgrounds.
R.I.P. does not charge for its services, and maintain strict confidence if our clients do not wish to be
publicly identified. No postings will be up loaded to this page without express written permission
from our clients.
Our primary goal is to provide assistance, reassurance, and support to those who are living with
unwanted alleged paranormal activity.
Our secondary goal is to research, document, and analyze scientific data pertaining to alleged
paranormal activity, thereby furthering the field of paranormal research. Was it something other than
an alleged haunting? We will investigate mysterious sightings of creatures and phenomena in the
Central Indiana area as reported by individuals who are frequently concerned that they will be
laughed at and ridiculed for what they saw. Upon investigating these reports we will move to track,
and if possible trap these creatures. We want to help these people to have peace of mind and know
that they are not alone in their mysterious encounters.
We know that many of you reading this will do so with a healthy dose of skepticism. We understand.
We felt exactly the same way until we had our
own personal experiences. We would only ask that you keep an open mind. If you do, it may lead
you to an experience that will change your life and have you rethink what is real and not real in this